一分钟赛车开奖记录查询结果,极速赛车168开奖官网直播数据 Hi, We’re Parachute Coffee!

We find and roast the best coffee beans and ship them to you on your schedule so fast you’ll forget about the barista you have a crush on.

How it works

You Choose Coffee

- It's Convenient -

We Deliver Coffee

- It's Flexible -

You Drink Coffee

- In Your Home -

Change, hit pause, or skip an airdrop. Cancel any time.

Follow the 45-Day Rule

一分钟极速赛车开奖官网开奖视频,最新168开奖官网直播, How old Is Your Coffee?

You'll never ask yourself that question again. Your coffee is roasted-on-demand and airdropped right to your door, right when you need it.

The flavor profile of your coffee is highest in the first 45 days after roasting.

You've never had coffee this fresh.


Our Latest Airdrop

Limited Edition Roast

Past Airdrops

Tasting Notes


Country: Guatemala
Name: Quiche
Farm: The growing region in Quiché is in close proximity to the smaller Sierra de Chuacús mountain range, as well as the larger Sierra Madres de Chiapas mountain range, which spans El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. As a result of the differing altitudes, the microclimates in this region can vary widely and produces sweet and complex coffees. The growing region is also referred as the Ixil Triangle because of the preservation of the indigenous culture and language of the Ixil people and its place in Guatemalan history.
Region: Quiché
Altitude: 1200-1800 masl
Process: Washed

Where You've Seen Us

1分钟极速赛车历史开奖记录,极速赛车官方网开奖历查询结果 Exactly how life changing is our coffee?

Explore all three of our most popular roasts for 20% off!

Try The Explorer Pack

Why Parachute coffee?

Coffee tastes better at home

Our model is designed to make every cup of home-coffee cheaper, fresher, and better than your favourite café.

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